Mentoring Program

Opportunities for both Mentors and Mentees! 

QETA Mentor Program

The mentoring program seeks to assist and support newly registered teachers, out of field teachers and teachers who are returning to teaching Economics in Queensland schools. The program connects these teachers to passionate and experienced Economic teachers who teach students across Years 7-12.  

The program aims to:

  • offer mentoring services for the benefit of promoting active, interesting and thoughtful teaching of Economics
  • enable a flow-on effect that supports
    • teachers, to increase their confidence and capacity
    • students, to promote their interest and engagement, and ultimately their future financial personal and career opportunities
  • provide experienced teachers an avenue to enrich and enliven their existing practice through professional discussions of pedagogy, assessment and economics subject matter.

Each mentor and mentee pair will communicate, interact and achieve their economic teaching goals differently – in ways that best suits them. The relationship involves encouragement, constructive feedback, shared trust and respect, and an appreciation for the time involved (recognising that both mentors and mentees work in busy secondary teaching roles). Both parties accept that discussions respect confidentiality in terms of students, teaching colleagues and employers, and must ensure professional boundaries are maintained.

Mentors are a sounding board, offering different suggestions and support, and recognise the different experiences that mentees have as beginning or returning Economic teachers. They are open-minded, non-judgmental, and have effective communication skills (that is, listening, questioning and providing constructive feedback).

Mentees actively seek support, guidance and ideas, and use the mentor program to consider alternative approaches in teaching and learning situations. They are open-minded and appreciate that experienced teachers have different strengths and approaches, and each class cohort is different. The mentee is responsible for organising meetings and should be prepared for each meeting with a focus for the discussion and/or key questions.

Program details

The mentor program may involve telephone, online or face-to face meetings depending upon the agreement of each party. It should be flexible and operate for as long as it is productive. It is important that both parties ensure professional courtesies are followed and always practiced. The program does not aim to intrude on either party with onerous time expectations – as a guide, a fortnightly or monthly discussion may be appropriate.

Matching mentors is undertaken by QETA, based on submissions on the mentor/mentee application forms. Please apply below.

QETA thanks those who apply to be involved in the mentor program, and hope it is an enjoyable and enriching experience for everyone.

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