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Economic literacy

For Year 7-10 Eco_Bus teachers (incl non-members)

rba recording rba recording
QETA chart pack - half price. Four packs for $145
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T'chat events (online and free for members)

Talk Money Financial Literacy in Action Awards
School entries, $2,500 prize money

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Griffith University event Years 9-11
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Who we are

We are a friendly organisation of dedicated and passionate teachers who specialise in teaching and the promotion of Senior Economics in Queensland, and Economics and Business in Years 7-10.

We are determined to break down myths: Economics is interesting, topical and logical. It is understanding front page news and answering questions as to how to make informed decisions when economic conditions are changing. This includes decisions about jobs, production, investments, and entrepreneurial decisions as individuals or as managers in future careers and businesses. Studying Economics gives students hope and optimism, as it involves solving issues for a better world!

To achieve this goal, the association organises and resources a range of activities aimed at enhancing the professional qualities of teachers and the understanding of Economics among students.

QETA Inc. was established in 1968. It is a non-profit organisation.

READ MORE READ MORE Chart of the week: IMF Chart of the week: IMF

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Practice Questions

Unit 1
1. Explain why the theoretical PPC  is best drawn bowing outward.
2. Draw a complete circular flow of income model with your non-dominant hand. 

Unit 3
1. Explain the logic behind the following statement:
"Even though we know that a depreciating dollar makes exports more competitive, increasing demand for exports, a depreciating dollar is also likely to reflect decreasing demand for exports."

Beyond Money | Griffith University

We're delighted to announce the first of our student events designed to give students a slice of university level economics! This event is aimed at students in Yrs 9-10 and is being held at the Griffith University Southbank Campus on Wednesday 19th March 10am-12noon . It is a completely free event, for QETA members.  Brush off those excursion forms and book now here: Griffith University Beyond Money

T'Chat with Karen Hooper | QLD Treasury

Our next T’Chat is ready for sign-up, this will be a great one to bring problem solving into the classroom, or for those subject selection evenings when you get asked “what do economists actually do”?

Wednesday, 19th February @ 4pm Karen Hooper, Head of Productivity at QLD Treasury will present on how economists apply an economics framework to solve policy problems. Book here: T'Chat - 19 Feb

Economic literacy and financial literacy

Defining what is meant by economic literacy is not straightforward and it has been the subject of debate over many decades. New research by the RBA and their Bulletin article explores the meaning of ‘economic literacy’.

Economic and financial literacy are clearly distinguished by the RBA research.   RBA Bulletin article RBA Bulletin article

This is important information required by teachers of the Australian Curriculum Economics and Business Years 5-10. The curriculum, both versions 8.4 and 9.0 refer to core ideas of economics and financial literacy, so it is critical that teachers appreciate the difference of economic and financial literacy for their teaching programs.

The recording is available to all members and non members of QETA.

      Recording Recording flyer flyer

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