Practice Questions

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Practice Questions

Economic Management
1. Explain the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary fiscal policy, providing and example of each. 
2. Identify and describe two examples of microeconomic policy:
A) One that is likely to only increase SRAS
B) One that is likely to also increase LRAS

Practice Questions

All students
1. Outline two costs and two benefits (potentially) if the Australian Government were to increase its intake of permanent skilled migrants.
2. Imagine there were significant increases to government funding for clean energy innovation, namely the production and distribution of wind and solar power. Draw two different economic models to show the potential impacts of such a policy. Describe 2 potential harms this investment may have from an economic lens. 

Empowering Educators, Elevating Economics Conference 2024

We are proud to present another full day of Professional Development to enrich your Economics teaching.

  • Face to face – University of Queensland
  • Online, for our regional and remote members
  • Economics Society of Australia Queensland / QETA scholarships available to cover flight costs for regional and remote teachers – refer website for application details.

Teachers will have an opportunity to:
  • upskill and update their knowledge of teaching, learning and assessment
  • participate actively by asking questions – coordinated online experience
  • increase communities of practice

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