Message from Christine Dowd - QETA President

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Practice Questions

Unit 1
1. Select an item you brought with you to school today. Identify all the resources used to produce it, classifying each as Land, Labour, Capital or Enterprise. 

Unit 3
1. Explain Michael Porter's Theory of Competitive Advantage, using a genuine Australian industry as an example. 
2. Draw a diagram to show the impact removing tariffs on a good or service may have on the domestic market. 

Release Calendar | ABS

One of the many valuable items that came from our 2024 QETA Annual Conference was Tanya Hornicks terrific presentation on how to best navigate the ABS website. WIthin this came the "Release Calendar" which when mastered can be used to keep up to date on just the relevant released to your classwork. Spoiler alert: Over the holidays, Labour force data comes out 19 September. 

Reports and Newsletter | Gratten Institute

Looking for somewhat less-discussed topics, we stumbled upon the Gratten Institute Research page. Here's you'll find various studies produced by the very thorough and well-respected Gratten Institute on all things economics and social policy. A go-to collaborative activity is to pair students up, assign them a research paper and give them about 30 minutes or so to summarise and present the paper to the rest of the class. It's great way to deliver a snapshot of economic issues, as well as dial up "real world" extension nature of our subject. 

Here's their research page with topics ranging from rural roads in disrepair to points-tested visas. WIth a bit more time and energy there's a lot of potential here as well to inspire larger resdearch IA2s. .

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